Robotis Dynamixel SDK

I’ve started on the Robotis Dynamixel SDK Quick Start Guide. Basically it is 9 videos that explain how to get a Dynamixel servo moving.

In episode 3.3 Software Preparation – Linux there is a criteria that gcc needs to be at least 5.4, me running ubuntu 14.04, I had 4.8 so I had to follow this guide on how to install it for my setup as a simple “sudo apt-get install g++-5” doesn’t work right out of the box on 14.04.

If gcc -v / g++ -v still says 4.8, then you need to update symlinks. Instructions are in the guide mentioned above.

As I am using the USB2AX instead of the Robotis USB2Dynamixel, so after adding some source files from the Xevel usb2ax repo, I was able to compile and run the “read_write.cpp” example from Robotis.

The code can be found here and next step is to get it working with the ps4 controller.